Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Miss Chosen

Most people have seen a Miss Whatever-State crowning before, no? Lights, make-up, drama, excitement, tears, more drama, judges, qualifications, more drama… all to see who is the fairest of them all. Picture with me the moment when the name of the winner is announced. Keep in mind that this is something most of these girls have dreamed about for a lifetime. They worked hard at the gym, denied themselves a “normal” life, obsessed over their image, and possibly even alienated themselves from friends and family. This was the life goal, their identity, their life. Though the path was hard, they stand here now as the drum roll beats loudly in the speakers, the music crescendos, and the announcer slowly draws  out the announcement until, “bam!” her name is shouted! Picture the exploding glitter, the flashing lights, and the reaction of the other contestants. Now, look at the one whose name was called. Can you see the stunned look, the tears that well up automatically? I can almost feel her racing heart. Her shaking hands come to cover her mouth as they escort her away from the throng of contestants to stand, alone, in front of the audience. The cheering, the clapping, the music are all the sound of approval. As the crown is placed on her head, the weight is the mark of perfection, of finally being enough. All the other girls were special, but that crown sets her apart. She was chosen. Life could never possibly be the same. 

Now, imagine with me hours prior to the crowning ceremony a man walks a dark alley and sees a young girl crouched in the dark, chained by fears and a horrid past. Imagine He climbs the steps of a high school and calls to the girl who has always been labeled “fat” and “gross”. Imagine He interrupts a clarinet recital and calls the one playing to come with Him, knowing full well the perfection that has been expected of her. Imagine Him standing on the corners reaching out to everyone passing by. Imagine Him taking that girl backstage and wrapping her in a white robe and suddenly setting her right in the middle of the contestants complete with their glitz and attitudes. Here she stands among those that worked to be there. They jumped through every hoop, they did whatever it took. She did nothing. She just accepted the man’s offer to participate. Play through the scenario above one more time… but let’s imagine that the audience is One. The Judge is One. The crown is only His to give. 

You are chosen. 

Eph. 1:4, John 3:16

(btw, just a thought I had today... while working out! lol hey, inspiration hits at odd times! I don't mean to over spiritualize anything.)  :)

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